• Parareptile (Barasaurus besairiei) 23.5 cm - Madagascar - Permian / Triassic


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    From my eBay range...  If you are interested in purchasing this fossil please click on the following link  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295035840483?hash=item44b181a7e3:g:pwEAAOSw0f9ipu-7 . Please then email me on richard0242@hotmail.com and I will be able to offer you a small discount.

    Parareptile (Barasaurus besairiei)  from Madagascar. Rare fossil showing teeth. You will receive the positive and negative sides of the fossil (as pictured).

    Late Triassic / Early Permian

    Matrix: 23.5 cm 

    Thickness: 17.0 cm

    Weight: 1.99 kg & 2.10 kg (Total = 4.09 kg)

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