• Giant Megalodon tooth - 6.061 inches


    This item is out of stock

    From my eBay range...  If you are interested in purchasing this fossil please click on the following link  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Giant-Megalodon-tooth-6-061-inches-/292035644222?hash=item43feae4b3e:g:gsgAAOSwuq9Zaeql. Please then email me on richard0242@hotmail.co.uk and I will be able to offer you a small discount.

    Giant Megalodon tooth 'Carolina Gold' - North Carolina

    Nice colour.

    5- 20 million years old

    6.061 inches (15.39 cm) from the tip of the tooth to the furthest point on the root.

    4.057 inches wide (10.30 cm)

    Just under 1 lb - 15.06/16 lb (452 g)

    No repairs or restoration.