Welcome to the Megalodon & More Fossils website, leading source of the highest-quality ammonites for sale. We take great pride to source the most unique, unusual and preserved fossils so that we can sell them onto our customers. Within our collection, we have been able to locate ammonites, trilobites, fish, mammal and shark fossils. Our team regularly attends various fossil shows across the UK, so be sure to get in contact to find out when we are visiting, or continue to visit our website to remain updated on the latest news.

Ammonites are one of the world’s most known fossils due to the easy recognisable ribbed spiral-form shell. They once lived in the sea between 240 - 265 million years ago, until they became extinct along with the dinosaurs. There are many living relatives still alive however, including the octopus, squid and cuttlefish, which are all part of the predator group - cephalopods. If you are interested in finding out further background information about ammonites, be sure to research online or get in contact with one of our experts today.

Here at Megalodon & More Fossils, we have been fortunate enough to assemble a large range of ammonites for sale. Within our selection, there are fossils from all across the world including the UK, Madagascar, Brazil and Germany. One of the largest ammonites we have for sale is the Paracorniceras sp -  18.5" / 47 cm. This particular item was found in Dorset, in the UK, as well as being identified to be from the Jurassic Period. To view all of the fossils we have on sale, be sure to visit our online shop anytime.

All of the ammonites for sale have been carefully selected by our leading founder, Richard, an expert who has been working within the industry for over 15 years. During this time, he has covered all aspects including fossil hunting and collecting, as well as being a seller to many museums, colleges and retail outlets. New items are continuously being added onto our recent additions, so be sure to continuously visit to view the latest products we have on offer.

If you are interested in purchasing one of the ammonites we have for sale, make sure you head over to the Megalodon & More Fossils website today. However, if you have any questions or concerns regarding a specific product, feel free to email us at richard0242@hotmail.com. Just remember to include your contact details so one of our specialists are able to get in touch at the earliest convenience to assist.